Kaffeen Espresso | Supercharged Agency New Business & Marketing
A podcast series from Charlotte Ellis Maldari, founder of Kaffeen, a new business and marketing consultancy for creative agencies. In short, Charlotte keeps your studio busy. Each episode, Charlotte interviews an expert in their field, takes listener questions and peruses topics of industry interest. This is a show that’ll inspire you to kick start your agency growth and generally to make creative agency sales and marketing feel more manageable and less grubby.
Kaffeen Espresso | Supercharged Agency New Business & Marketing
Live training recording: Simple Ways to Get Leads from LinkedIn Without Content, Ads, or Cold Calling
In this episode I'm sharing with you an audio version of a recent live training that I did for my email list.
I'm really conscious that a lot of people who listen to the podcast on on the email list and haven't had a chance to come along and join us. So sharing this recording here hoping you find value in it.
If you want to take advantage of the bonus you can find the link below.
And if you want to join our next free live training then hit the link below to join our email list and find out more.
Links mentioned:
- Join Win Clients Consistently before midnight 5th March to get this bonus
- Join the next live training
P.S. Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways I can help you get more clients, more money and more time:
- Listen to this podcast episode and identify your agency archetype so you know exactly how to market and sell your services - £0.
- Get your marketing and new business plan active and find regular client projects without breaking the bank - £1796.
- Get my eyes on your business for the next quarter and scale to reach regular £30k plus new business opportunities - £4500.
Hello. Hello. Welcome to the Caffeine Espresso Podcast. I'm sorry I've been very quiet on here. It's been a really busy start to the year. It's been a lot going on over here, but I, rest assured I'm providing you with a hell of a lot of content over the next few weeks. We've just scheduled a load of podcast episodes that we recorded towards the back end of this last year and the beginning of this one, and we just haven't had the capacity to be able to share out with you. So loads of exciting stuff coming your way. But for the first of those new episodes, I wanted to share with you a. The audio recording of a recent training that we gave to our audience live. And I wanted to start off that here because I know there's people who listen to the podcast who aren't on I email list and I'll getting those notifications to come and join us for those exclusive sessions. So if that's you, then you can go get yourself on our email list and join us for the next live session by going to the link in the show notes below. And in the meantime, what you should expect is a lesson all about the actually four simple ways to get leads from LinkedIn without content ads or cold calling. It's an updated training that we've done very recently with a live example in there. Really hope you enjoy listening to it. And if you are interested in when clients consistently, which is the product we talk about in this recording, then I really recommend heading across to the other link in the show notes before. The deadline ends, which is on the 5th of March, 2025. Depending on when you listen to this, there may still be time to go grab it. And if you do that, you're gonna be getting my eyes on your business one-to-one support with setting up your lead generation as described in this training. So I really hope I see you in there, head to that link before. The 5th of March, 2025 to go grab the bonus with win clients consistently. And if you want to register for our next live training, head to the other link in the chat below. I will make the show notes. I will make it really clear which is which. And I hope to see you at the next one. Okay, all the best. Hope you enjoy the episode. Speak to you next time.
Audio Only - All Participants:welcome. By the end of this class you will know three ways that are simple to learn to get new leads on LinkedIn without creating a ton of content or spending a penny on ads. And this method has been designed for solopreneurs and small creative teams of two to ten people. Historically, I've worked with a lot of creative agencies. Increasingly we've been working with other kinds of businesses who've been referred to as consultants, coaches, not for profits, tech companies, a real broad spectrum and but the thing that they have in common is that they're small and they tend to be juggling every aspect of their business without, whilst trying to grow. I know that new business can feel like a full time job, but this strategy makes it more simple and efficient and and manageable. It's for you if you sell a service that's over around 8, 000 US dollars. If you feel like referrals have been drying up that's been a big issue for a lot of people over the course of last year, which I'm going to get into in a minute. If you have some clients already, you have a niche, who you serve and who enjoys working with you, but you want more. And you don't want to rely on social media or ads at the time, at the moment, and you'd rather be focusing on doing your actual work than chasing new business all the time. You're in the right place if you feel busy with your day to day work, but you remain anxious about not having enough quality leads, quality client leads. It's for you if you've never needed a new business strategy before, you are, have been in a really fortunate position where you've been depending on referrals until now but it feels like some things changed and I promise it's not you 2024 was a dire year for People who have depended on referrals as their sole source of new business so far. You easily get overwhelmed by work. You often stop doing anything marketing and new business related when you're overwhelmed with current projects, which causes an inconsistent workflow and you feel a lack of control. Despite, potentially even being in business for decades, you feel like your lead generation process is not within your control. That is a very common thing that I hear. You feel like you've been throwing cash at the problem, but you don't feel like you've maximized your free platforms. I don't know if that feels familiar to you as well. And just to really, it never feels like enough. It feels like you're constantly not doing enough or not using the right strategies. And frankly, if you're feeling a bit nervous about what is happening six months down the line how are you going to keep the lights on, et cetera, then. Okay and this is something I'm hearing a lot at the moment. Lots of people are thinking they need to be tightening their belt a little bit and just getting back to basics, focusing on the stuff that is low cost and efficient and easy to set up rather than complicated marketing strategies. And this is where I talk a little bit about Who we work with now, because as I mentioned, historically 20 years in, in my, into my career right now. And I'd say 15 to 17 of those have been spent exclusively working with agencies, creative agencies, design agencies, digital agencies, marketing and advertising agencies. But Increasingly, we've been referred work that is outside of that space. I've spent a lot of time working with my coach my copywriting coach to understand like what is the name of who we target, and this is the closest statement I can get to it. If you know your clients are on LinkedIn but you've been focusing on the methods to reach them and you just want to take off. that box, then we can help you with that. After this class, you're going to have total clarity on why your current marketing isn't delivering big results, and you're going to know three simple, actually four, because I did a bonus one, proven ways to find high quality leads on LinkedIn without posting content, running ads, or making cold calls. And you might even discover Decide to stop all your other marketing activities. If we haven't met yet, hello, I am Charlotte. I have spent the last 19, actually 20 years, I need to update this, working in marketing and new business roles for creative agencies and tech startups and not for profits and many other kinds of businesses along the way. And Along that way, I have taught over 5, 000 business leaders how to attract clients using low cost, time efficient strategies that actually work. I'm also the author of a best selling book, Client Magnet, in case you don't have a copy of that already. You can find it on Amazon. And I'm the host of the Kaffeen Espresso podcast again. If you haven't already accessed that, something nice, free and easy to listen into while you're commuting where I talk about things that are working for my clients currently. A bit of housekeeping, we're going to be here for about 60 to 90 minutes. And stick around to the end, if you can, because I'm going to be sharing all about Win Clients Consistently, which is exactly what you need from us in order to put today's strategies into action. If you're here, let me guess, you probably want to grow your network with the right kind of people. Ones who actually need what you offer. But here's the thing, you don't want that to mean ours. of content creation, time lost to that, or endlessly commenting on LinkedIn posts hoping that somebody notices and magically becomes a client. It's a bit like shouting into the void and it really delivers a solid return on your effort. What you really need is a simple and effective way to connect with the right leads without the time drain or the guesswork. You want consistent new business opportunities and to be having conversations with new potential clients without spending hours each week hunting them down. You don't want to be constantly chasing leads or wondering where the next client is going to come from. What you need is a reliable system that works in the background so you can focus on delivering great work while you have the opportunities come to you. And I hear a lot from people that they as I mentioned previously, they get so wrapped up in one project, particularly creative agencies, that they often forget that they're going to need new clients in the future. And what they love is to finish one project, knowing that there's more work already lined up. So no more scrambling to find the next client. Or stressing about the next, where the next opportunity is going to come from. A prepared pipeline, which would be my term for it, means that you can focus on delivering your best work with the confidence that your business is set up for steady, predictable growth. There's going to be other people waiting to work with you when you finish with your current client. You want to feel in control of your marketing and new business efforts without having to hire a new team member or. Outsourced to an expensive external agency. You want a simple, repeatable system that you can manage yourself, that you understand. It's not something that feels outside of your realm of understanding an application. So you that you manage yourself. So you know how to attract clients whenever you need them. It's great if you decide to outsource it to another member of staff within your team, somebody more junior, but it's, I don't know if you relate to this, but certainly I like to know that I can do something before I give it to somebody else in my business. Frankly, this is an expression I hear a lot, particularly with creative agencies. Trying spaghetti at the wall hoping that something sticks. What you really need is a proactive structure plan for generating leads Consistently. Something that takes the guesswork out of what to do to get new business. So you know exactly what to do when to do it and why it works. And frankly, you want consistent, sustainable growth, steady flow of leads coming in without the frustrating ups or downs, the feast or famine cycle that we're very familiar with in small businesses and just reliable system that keeps your business growing at a more manageable, predictable pace or whatever pace you decide to set around it. Here's what many people are doing right now to tackle this problem. They're asking for referrals. And while they're really great. I think, I honestly think referrals are the best way to grow your business. I'm never going to be the person who says that looking for cold leads is going to be the fastest, almost sustainable way to grow your business. But if you're here, it's likely that you haven't maximized you've maximized out your referrals and they're just not Being productive anymore. They're just not forthcoming. And so you need some other ways. Like I said, they are great, but they're also unpredictable. You can't scale your business by just hoping somebody is going to send your work your way. Because we'll have every few years, we'll have years like 2024 where it was a real struggle for a lot of businesses, the ones that in particular that don't have any other strategy in place as a backup to waiting for referred clients to come in. Next, you might be trying to get more work from existing clients and that can work for a while but eventually you will hit a ceiling. Plus if a client relationship ends it can leave a big gap in your pipeline if you haven't thought about the balance within your client portfolio. And then there's hiring consultants and running outreach campaigns but without a clear strategy or the knowledge within your particular sector these efforts often lead to inconsistent results. Lots of activity and frankly lots of money spent but not a lot of traction. You've tried all sorts of tactics to see what works. Maybe you've been showing up on Instagram, maybe you've been posting on LinkedIn, maybe you've been doing SEO and blogging in the hope that, and that does work but it's a really long term strategy, in the hope that stuff will come in via that. You've been sending email newsletters, which I'm a big fan of, but you do need more people getting them in order to see an effect on it. Or maybe if you're a coach, you've joined a bundle promo you've just been trying to get more eyes on your business. But despite it all, it often feels like you're just Throwing things out there and hoping something sticks and let's be honest, it's exhausting. I know, I've been there. And, no one could criticize you. You're definitely putting yourself out there. You've spoken at events, written opinion pieces, sent out press releases, maybe even entered some awards if you're an agency. You've been a guest on other people's podcasts. Perhaps if you're a coach, showing your expertise and getting your name out there. And while it all helps to build credibility, it hasn't translated into that consistent flow of clients that you were hoping it might do. The results have been a bit meh. And you start wondering maybe I do need to hire a salesperson. Maybe a new business agency can fix this. They're the experts, right? Or maybe you just need to be doing more of the stuff. Or a lot of people consider at this point especially after the course of the last year, a lot of people are coming to me where they're like, I don't know if I should just go back and get a day job which breaks my heart because the the world needs more small businesses, I think, rather than the other way around. But deep down, you know that more activity, so doing more of the stuff, doesn't necessarily mean more results and there's got to be a better way around it. There's a simple reason why these tactics don't work. The simple truth is this, that these tactics don't work because marketing only works if you're constantly adding new people into your audience. New people who haven't heard your message before. If you're just creating content and talking to the same audience over and over, or relying on algorithms to magically expand your reach, then you're stuck in a loop. And it's a very common loop that I've seen. The key isn't doing more. It's about reaching new people Consistently and intentionally. It's harsh, but true. Many of you are hustling away, creating marketing efforts, but not growing the number of people that you are reaching. Creative people do not like to hear this, but sales is a numbers game. You need more ears in your audience. But not just any ears, the right kind. You need to be getting the right people in the audience. And to do that, you need to be really clear about who you want to work with. And also who wants to work with you. It's not a one way street. You can't, I've had clients come to me before and say that one person and his Mac in a Northern city say, I with the CMO at L'Oreal and actually ended up getting a phone call using the methods that we had with the CMO at L'Oreal. But the reality is, even if that person really wants to work with you, probably won't get through the procurement process. Because of the size and the dependency that they would have on that single person, it's too much of risk for that business. And this is what I mean about being really honest with yourself about who wants to work with you. Who do you add most benefit to? And when I say clear, literally handpick the people that you'd like to work with. Don't depend on an algorithm to do the work for you. So you need more of the right ears, right? And you won't be hearing post more content, get on the phone or get some ads going from me today for a very good reason, because if you're a creative business owner, you likely don't have a ton of budget to spend. Don't have a lot of spare time. And frankly, you'd be rather be doing your day job or going home and hanging out with your family. And frankly, you would rather eat your moleskin notebook than spend a full day cold calling. What we're going to show you today is still highly underused in marketing across many industries. And it's going to give you a disproportionate advantage over the competition if you're a service business. If you've done any of these marketing strategies that I mentioned before, then you'll know this. It's time consuming and expensive, and I have spent a lot, a large part of my career doing these exact strategies. Speaking at events, my experience of that is it takes 20 hours from pitch to presentation. Pitch the actual event managers to the speaking at the event. Press releases, that can take around 10 hours from the first draft of publishing and there's going to be no guarantee that you're actually going to get press. Opinion pieces, they take even more time committing your opinion to paper and then showing it out in the publications that you know your clients are going to be reading. And entering awards, my experience is they cost anywhere between 250 to 250 pounds per entry and that is literally just the entry cost, that doesn't include any support you need with prepping that entry, the materials, the time, et cetera. And this puts them out to the reach of most small businesses. And even if you can afford the time and money to do them, it's all in the hope that the right people are paying attention when you do these activities. There's literally zero guarantee that they're going to reach the right people, that you're going to be noticed. With what I'll share today, you or someone on your team will be making key client relationships happen on LinkedIn with. Four simple techniques to find the right people. You've got the possibility to get in front of significantly to get significantly more attention on your business with and have conversations with more of the key decision makers that you'd like to be working with. Simply put, your business will get in front of companies that they weren't in front of before, but you're not going to get in front of them with Messages and outreach that falls flat or just fall straight through the cracks frankly. If that sounds appealing, that's why I want to listen, you to listen to the training part of this. We're going to go through these four techniques, but also then how you apply it towards the end of today's conversation. I just want to say no other marketing strategy allows you to choose exactly who comes into your world without a ton of money or time, trust me, it's my job to try all of the marketing strategies and this still holds true. As I go through this this training today, I'm just, there's a few client quotes dotted around. And this is one from Be The Business. They're a not for profit organization. They collaborated with us here at Kaffeen to enhance their LinkedIn lead generation. By leveraging our expertise, they successfully onboarded 120 business leader clients in just 90 days. Using LinkedIn. 85 percent of those clients were from our low budget activities. And what's really interesting about this case study for me is that be the business was spending an awful lot of money and time working with more traditional marketing strategies basically above the line marketing in the more conventional sense, radio promos, speaking at events ads billboards, I think even are featured in it. And traditional advertising methods actually only counted for 15 percent of the clients who came in. My client Hunter over there said the channel Charlotte introduced us to and helped to manage proved to be the absolute runaway Winner in terms of driving the most warm leads. And in truth, the LinkedIn stuff continues today at Be The Business. And in fact, the organization has now adopted that into other parts of the business. And it works so well because we were targeted in a way that traditional media strategies, even though big budget and really glam, etc, but they hadn't they don't allow them to get the same level of targeting and one to one connection that our LinkedIn strategy did. What's holding most people back from using LinkedIn? It's not the platform itself, it's the misconceptions about it. Lots of people think that LinkedIn is just for corporate types, or that it requires hours of engagement every day, or maybe they've tried it before and didn't see results and they assume it doesn't work for them. But the reality is that LinkedIn is an untapped goldmine if you are a service based business. You just have to know how to use it the right way. Here are some of the reasons that I've heard that people don't want to use it, and maybe you identify with some of them. My company isn't big enough. Frankly, our clients include everyone from single person businesses 250 people in them. I hear it's too expensive. What I'm going to Show you today, the implementation of it costs less than 900 pounds a year to run. Our first client Win after starting work with Charlotte represented a return on investment of over 1600%. One of our two person agency clients that was a huge deal for them because it is scary committing to something when you don't know if you're going to see the revenue coming from it, the return on investment, I don't have enough experience to do this. I hear a lot of people saying they just don't have the tech skills, and I just want to be really clear. You need zero tech skills. We walk you through absolutely everything. I can see students of mine, past students of mine, in the audience today and I'm sure they would agree. Let me know if you don't agree with this, but I am a highly instructional, highly directive teacher. I get really down into the weeds and yeah, I really care about your business and helping to implement things. with you and for you. We walk you through absolutely everything. You're walking through exercises with me in real time where I'm showing you this on my screen what you should be doing at each stage. So you're not left with airy fairy instructions that you can't then recreate. I hear people say it's won't bring in the right kind of clients. Within two weeks this client here, this quote said we won our second biggest client in the history of our studio. Again, this is a really small agency and they had broken away from much bigger, known agency. With one single big client that not poached, but had gone with them. And after that work came to an end, they were just working with small projects that came in living almost hand to mouth in terms of work until we set the strategy going from the, for them. And then they won. That was within two weeks, they won the second biggest client. The biggest client after that massive client that they took with them from their previous agency. So that was a really big deal for them. I hear. I don't have enough time. If, and I see where we are, coaches and consultants account for 35 percent of the people in the audience today. And I know a lot of you will already have some kind of lean magnet or generous resource that's already Out there in the world. And if you have that, it can take as little as 45 minutes to set up what I'm going to be showing you towards the end of this training. More generally, I'm not ready yet. And I just want to say here are nine things you do not need to get started. You don't need half the things that you think you might do. You don't need to be a tech whiz. You do not need to revamp your website. You do not need decades of experience in a big ad budget or a flashy business. You don't need a huge social following. You don't need a team to help you or endless hours to figure it all out, and you definitely don't need to become some high pressure salesperson. All you need is a proven, straightforward system and a willingness to get started. So here are some other things that you actually do need to get started. You need a LinkedIn profile, and by that I mean your personal LinkedIn profile, not the company one. That's great, but it won't function for what I'm going to show you today. You need a sales navigator, which is a paid product from LinkedIn. Remember I said before 900 pounds a year, 800 of those pounds are sales navigator, it is like a pro version of LinkedIn. They offer the first month free. And aside from that, the cheapest way to use it is to buy an annual plan. You need a freebie of some kind. To offer to prospective clients, but don't worry if you don't have one, if you don't have a LeanBangNet, we can help you with that if you don't have one in place. And you need some kind of software to send emails, and I think the majority of people who are here today will already have one of these. The one we use right now is Kit, which is previously known as ConvertKit. I really love it, and that is what I would recommend to most people. Most people that are watching this today will be absolutely fine on the free plan. It just has some more functionality versus MailChimp, and that's why it's the one I recommend right now. And that's it, no complicated funnels, no endless content creation, just a simple repeatable process. So let's get in to the three simple ways to get leads from LinkedIn, actually four, and I'm just going to change position before we get into them. Let's dive into technique one. How to find your people. Now I used to think that this was too basic to even mention because I do it every day. But every time I walk somebody through this exercise I'm blown away by their reaction. I forget you know when you're doing something that is just You're bread and butter and you're used to it and you do it on a daily basis for years and years, you forget how vital or interesting that might be to somebody else. Every time I walk somebody through this exercise, their reaction blows me away. Their eyes go wide when they realize just how powerful and straightforward it is to find exactly the people they want to work with, or they would like to work in their business, or they would like to be connected with for collaborations. It can be used for so many different things, not just finding new clients. But yeah, it's scary when you realize just the potential here. Once you know how to do this stage, everything else becomes much easier. And for this next part, I'm going to be walking you through a demo with a real example. So you can see, this isn't just theory, it's a practical repeatable process. And as I go through it, I want you to imagine your own business in place of Jo's and also use the worksheet, which you'll be able to find in the webinar chat if you didn't already download that. So you'll quickly see how, if you do those things, you'll quickly see how this can apply to you too. First, let me introduce you to Dr. Jo Watkins and her lovely smiley face. Jo is a freelance GP and coach who helps doctors and other healthcare professionals who dare to do things differently. Her ideal clients are GPs in particular, or other kinds of medics with a special interest in lifestyle medicine, doctor, it might be doctors with new coaching diplomas, hospital consultants looking to launch great progress, and top level consultants who are ready to take on entrepreneurial challenges. In other words, forward thinking medical professionals who aren't, they're looking for a different way to just doing their day to day work. They're looking for a new entrepreneurial way, perhaps shifting into a different aspect of the business, or starting their own business, rather than continuing to work in their medical role. Jo and I actually met in a in a mastermind and up until now, she's been relying on until this example, she's been relying really heavily on meta ads to generate leads. She's been paying around 10 per opt in and that might work in the short term, but it's not a long term sustainable strategy. The majority of her marketing time is spent on content creation. She is amazing at daily posting, weekly emails, regular podcast episodes. I've been on her podcast. Actually, that was a really good episode. I say it was a really good episode. Because it was my, no, it was really interesting for me, when somebody puts the mirror back on you and asks you questions about yourself, it was fascinating to hear my answers to them. I really enjoyed that experience. She speaks at seminars, she hosts her own events on a very regular basis. And of course she's got those meta ads. And she's doing all of this and she has four kids! To me it's just I have half that number in. I, yeah. Anyhow, it's absolutely amazing. But it's a lot. And despite all of that effort, the growth for her, I think she would agree, has been frustratingly slow, because her ad budget has been holding her back. She's doing all of the things, as we talked about before. But She's really limited by growing the audience and being able to do that in a way that is financially sustainable to her business. So today I'm going to show you exactly how we help Jo shift her approach and what you can do to apply the same techniques to your business. As we go through this next part, I want you to think about how this process applies to your own business, just like we're doing here with Dr. Jo. what you're going to see now is a recording of me using Sales Navigator with Jo's account. I will walk you through how we use these filters that you can see here within Sales Navigator to build a profile of her ideal client. Those doctors and healthcare professionals that she loves working with and who love working with her, because she already has a lot of clients. While you watch, I want you to grab that worksheet. I want you to start filling in the first section and don't worry if you're not 100 percent sure about every detail yet, just drop down what comes to mind. And This section really is all about get setting the context. If we look at Dr. Jo's ideal clients, their job titles, a consultant, GP, lifestyle, medic, functional medicine, that location is likely she's primarily UK based, but we're going to come into that in a second experience level. They have around 20 years as a GP or. Hospital doctor and really they're often returning to work post kids. A lot of her clients, not all of them, but a lot of them are female and they're returning to work post kids and they're spending another five years in the role before they're like, What am I doing? I can't continue to do this. I can't manage all of this. Or they just want a different way. Industry, definitely medical services. That one's really clear. Company type, mostly in the UK public sector. In fact, many work for the NHS. So that was one of the. Filters I played around with was company here in another video, I play around with the current company being all the variations and permutations of NHS. Because we have the National Health Service here in the UK, if you're from further afield you may be familiar with that term, that's basically yeah, public health service. And as you see me apply these filters, I really want you to think about your own clients. So think about what job titles they have, what industry they're in, how much experience do they have? Take notes. You'll be surprised how quickly the right people start to appear when you get specific like this. And don't be afraid to, just play around with it, like there, you are not fixed into this. You can keep playing with it again and again. It's iterative and you can save down the versions that you like. So I'm just going to show you here. We're at general practitioner and the UK that's 11, 000 results. even with just those two things in place, we've got, say you can reach out to a hundred people per week using LinkedIn, we have got. So two years of outreach there in terms of that audience. even if she just set this going, the automation that I'm going to show you at the end, even if she set this going and then just focused all her time on all the other things that she's doing day to day, which in terms of marketing, which are a lot, and she's amazing at she will be constantly growing her audience, bringing in those new ears. There you go is again, bringing in those new ears into her audience so that The time she's spending creating content or doing her other marketing things is not wasted because it's reaching more people every time. More people who might want to work with her. So if you are one of the coaches on consultants listening in today, you might recognize Sandra Booker, she's the COO behind some of the pretty high. Profile coaches like Tarzan Kay, Laura Belgray and Shanti Zak. She already had a really solid foundation. She knew her ideal target audience. She was really clear on that. And she already had a lead magnet. In fact, several that we could choose from. she was ready to go basically. And when we introduced her to Sales Navigator and some simple automation tools, she was able to set up her first LinkedIn campaign in just one hour. And as you can see here from her message, she was surprised about how straightforward, and dare I say it, fun the process was, just a one hour Zoom call. And then she had another marketing lever just up and running and working in the background for her. Now instead of feeling like she's collecting random drops in the bucket in terms of new ears coming into her audience, she has a clear repeatable system to grow that audience and generate high quality leads Consistently. And that's exactly what we're walking through here today so that you caN. now let's move on to technique two, how to tap into a new market. And if you have ever wondered how to break into a new market without starting from scratch, this step's going to show you exactly how to do that using LinkedIn in seconds. It's petrifying how quickly it is. You can do this. I'm going to walk you through a simple strategy that helps you to quickly identify. Connect with, and then build relationships with a comp, in a completely new market without endless content creation or guesswork, or even go into that new market, frankly. So let me show you how that works. I know that new markets can feel pretty daunting, but they don't have to be. One client of ours had just opened a Melbourne office to serve a single big FMCG client. They were a London based agency and were opening an office. In Melbourne, and they needed more business to make that move worthwhile. It couldn't just sustain the office with that Melbourne studio with just one client. So in the quest to find new clients in that region, in the Asia Pacific region, they had a junior team member scrolling endlessly through LinkedIn. Trying to identify potential leads in the new market. And spoiler alert, that junior team member was me about 15 years ago when I was in agency. And let me tell you, it was not fun. It was hours of mind numbing, scrolling with no clear strategy in place. Even when I found people, I wasn't sure what I should be saying to them. We, at that time, we didn't have a plan for an event. We actually did evolve into a plan for an event, but we didn't have a lead magnet. We didn't have anything to say apart from, Hey, we just opened a new studio. Any chance you need any design work? It's that was so far below us. Because we were a big fancy studio and it wasn't the right message. we just didn't even, if, when, if we isolated down the right clients, we didn't know what to say to them. But with the method I'm about to show you, I have to do that. You'll be able to pinpoint the right audience in any new market and be, and start reaching out to them in a in a strategic and a relevant way where they're actually happy to hear from you within seconds. So as you watch me walk through this next step, I want you to think about how this process could apply to your own business. Take notes as we go jot down any new markets you might want to explore. Now back to Dr. Jo. While most of her clients, I'm going to set this one going, most of her clients are in the, currently in the UK. She actually can work with any, with doctors in or medics, in fact, in any English speaking country or any English speaking medics. So for example, she could easily expand into Ireland Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, just the limitations of time zones, basically. And one of the things that I didn't mention was the reason that part of the reason. That Dr. Jo originally changed up her career path was her and her husband wanted to travel the world and take their four kids with them and homeschool them. So she could no longer be in the family doctor office in her local town. She needed to do things remotely and that was the reason she changed things up. And the reason I'm mentioning that. That is because she still is quite a wide traveler, like I literally had a voicenote chat with her this morning, and she's in Thailand she's not limited by geography, and she's already that one step further on in terms of yeah, why limit myself to one part of the world With the strategy I'm about to show you, or you seeing on the screen, you can identify, or rather she can identify and reach out to these new potential clients in these new markets with just a few simple clicks and you can do the same. So you're seeing me here, remove the UK but keep general practitioner and more than 10 years in place. And then I'm adding in other geographies. If I add in Australia, we have 4, 500 results and I can now save that search and then have that pool of people just tucked away there in my safe searches and I can start reaching out to them. And then I can, what do I do next? New Zealand. It's going to be, it's mainly sheep. More vets than dogs. 610 results. And then I start to realize that actually, I'm only using one of her terms, right? I'm using GP. But that's a really British term. And family doctors aren't called GPs in many countries. So when I start putting in Singapore and then I put in California, I'm like, why are there so few? It's because they have a different name. And interestingly, GPs are, or, that type of medicine is just one very small of a large. Pytorch of all the other kinds of medics that Dr. Jo works with. If we added all those job titles, then we'd be getting far bigger volumes in these new markets. And then she can decide who she wants to target as a priority based on which is the best time zone for her. obviously Ireland would be the closest if she's currently based in Wales and the UK, which is where she normally is. So starting, this is a lovely quote from Debbie Inman at Bulletproof. If you're one of the 65 percent of people in this session today who are, who describe themselves as an agency, she says, starting a new marketing activity, whether you're a large or small agency can feel overwhelming, but having somebody with experience to guide you through makes all the difference. And This is what Debbie had to say about working with me when she was working with Kaffeen. And as you can see from her words here, having a clear, proven process helped them to build momentum faster and with more confidence. We were actually working in a different area of their marketing strategy, but this is what I want for you as well. A straightforward, repeatable system that takes the guesswork out of your marketing efforts. Based on somebody who is That's me, who is determined not to add any extra fluff in and just make things as efficient and smooth and cheap as possible to. undertake. So now back to business, let's move on to technique three, how to leverage your peers. So most people overlook this, but your peers can be an absolute gold mine for growth. I'm not talking about competitors, but you can use it in that way if you wish. I'm talking about the people who serve the same audience as you do, but perhaps in a different way. I'm going to show you how to strategically use these peers on LinkedIn to build genuine relationships with people in their network without. To expand and also to expand your reach, right? Without it feeling awkward or salesy. now let's get back to Dr. Jo for a moment. As I walk through this next step, I want you to think about how it applies to your own business and take notes as we go again with the worksheet and consider who could be a peer, an industry figurehead, an advocate for your business, or even a friendly competitor that you could be leveraging in order to use their audience as an additional filter. So for Dr. Jo, one potential pair might be Dr. Bainer Bubba Jones, who works in the same space, but focuses on a slightly different aspect of supporting those healthcare professionals. I just want to point out that peers like this can be powerful ways of helping you to reach new audiences without having to rely solely on your own network. And as you see in this video, I am taking the, I'm just going to skip past this because I take a little while to do this, I start fuffing around with the NHS and it's really annoying because of so many permutations of NHS. I am taking the existing list we've built, so NHS and more than 10 years. In business, and I'm changing just one simple factor. I'm adding in the name of a competitor advocate or peer into the connections of filter, I'm just going to skip a bit forward to that. I need to rerecord this one. I'm focusing in okay. Okay. I've added in Dr. Bainer Bubbers Jones here. And this allows us to find people who are already connected to industry leaders. People who are a great fit for Dr. Jo's work. And the best part of this is that you can see there's already 153 results based on people who are GPs in the UK with more than 10 years of experience working for the NHS and who are connections of Dr. Bubbers Jones who, which means. And it's really importantly that they already have an interest in the service that Dr. Jo offers as well. So the best part of this is you can repeat this process with different names. you could just do this as many times as you want. You can't actually add in more than one connection of at any one time, but you can save all these people and pop them into a list where you can then reach out to them in a single campaign. So by the end of this video, you'll see how we built a solid. Targeted list of prospects who not only fit Dr. Jo's ideal client profile, but are also already a part of her peers networks. And this is a quick and efficient way to find the right people without endlessly searching. So I actually did this for several of the other kind of peers and advocates. It was really interesting. Dr. Jo had appeared a couple of weeks before we started working together in October. She'd appeared at a national conference on stage. She'd been speaking to potential clients and just. Just medical industry in general. And I said, why don't we look at the other people who were on the stage? Not at the same time as her, but like other speakers at the same conference. This is me adding in all the people who are female presenting, therefore most likely to work with Dr. Jo into a lead list from that list of filtered people that we've seen on the previous page. So we made a list of all the other people who were speaking at the same event. And then we repeated this process using those people because we know they're targeting the same audience. And so we knew they would likely be a really good fit for the kind of people that Dr. Jo would work with too. So why should you care about this? Imagine being able to leapfrog the hardest part of lead generation, which is identifying the right people by tapping into other people's work that I've already done They've already done this for you, effectively. With this method you can use the networks your peers, advocates, and even your competitors have already built to quickly find potential clients, or at least people with way more interest, way more propensity to purchase from you in the medium to long term. So in just seconds you can see who's already engaging with these industry leaders and start reaching out to them. There's no more guessing. No more endless scrolling like I was doing. And just a fast and efficient way to find high quality leads. So then bonus technique today, time for a bonus technique is how to leverage groups. This is something that I find really. Really powerful. And I wanted to walk you through as well. groups on LinkedIn are a really often overlooked goldmine. There are thousands of niche groups filled with professionals who fit your ideal client profile. You just need to know how to find them. In this technique, I'm going to show you how to identify actually, we're going to focus more on the identification rather than the leveraging it but. Join them, identify the groups, join them, and then strategically engage with the right groups. It's a simple way to connect with like minded professionals, build your authority and uncover new leads, all without creating endless content or spending a penny on ads. So once again, I'm going to walk you through this process using Dr. Jo as an example, but as you watch, I want you to think about how this applies to your business. ask yourself, Which groups are my current and dream clients hanging out in? And don't forget to consider your peers, competitors, and industry figureheads. Where are they spending their time? Take a moment to jot down your thoughts in the worksheet that's provided. And Devin I don't know why you can't see the worksheet. Does anyone else want to let me know if you are able to see it? But if not, Devin, go grab a copy of it from the last email that I sent to you. So jot down your thoughts in the worksheet and once you've identified those groups, the next step is simple. Go and join them and then leverage them. The groups are full of potential clients who are already interested in the kinds of conversations that you're an expert in. So let's go make the most of it. So for Dr. Jo, this is where the magic happens. We, with just a quick search, we found two perfect groups and One of them is here on screen, Drpreneurs. We found Lifestyle Medicine, Drpreneurs. We found the Society of Physician, oh thank you Thomas for confirming you can see the worksheet see the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs. There were loads of amazing groups, like really quality groups. Let me tell you, there's a lot of crap groups out there. I wouldn't recommend just using the search function and finding any old groups. I would really recommend using it as looking through them more selectively and finding the right ones. And a really great way to do this just aside from what I was planning to talk through here is go to your current client. Go down to the interest section on the LinkedIn profile, click on groups, and then click on view all and then scroll through them and just see if they're any there that makes sense for your audience. But that is exactly how we found entrepreneurs and the society of, and lifestyle medicine. Society of physician entrepreneurs even your own groups. Look down at your own interest, sees what you've joined in the past. Go look whether they seem like a quality group. The goal is a group that's not too small and also not too large. Have a look through. If you see that several of your connections are already in that group, in all likelihood is gonna be a good fit for you. The lifestyle medicine entrepreneurs groups there. These are communities where her ideal clients, forward thinking doctors with an interest in entrepreneurship and lifestyle medicine are already gathering, learning, and networking. And here's the best part, Dr. Jo doesn't have to guess or hope that these people are interested in what she offers. By joining these groups, she can position herself right where her dream clients are already spending time. So now I want you to think about your business. What groups are your ideal clients or your current clients, or even yourself? Or even your competitors or peers or advocates of your business already a part of write them down, join them, and then start leveraging them the power of those built in communities. And in this, yeah, Louise, I'm answering that literally now. You don't search for groups on Sales Navigator, you search for groups in LinkedIn and then you apply it as a filter in Sales Navigator, and you're seeing me do that on screen at the bottom. So with, like I said, with Sales Navigator, this process is incredibly simple. All it takes is adjusting one filter, the groups filter. And by adding in a relevant group name, like Lifestyle Medicine or Doctorpreneurs for Dr. Jo, you can instantly get a list of people who are actively engaged in that community. So no more guesswork. No more hoping that the algorithm is going to do its job. Just a quick filter change, like any of these things and you're connected to a highly targeted pool of potential clients who are already interested in the topics that you care about. So how's this actually working out? To show you, it's not just theory. We ran Jo's outreach campaign live for a month. We set everything up and got it running on October 1st because I wanted to give this presentation first on, I think it was November 2nd or something. we ran it for a whole month and just gathered the results from that. And after the first month, like I said, we measured those results. we'll walk you through what happens, real numbers, real conversations and real potential clients. So you can see exactly how this works. In action. here's what happened after just one month of running Dr. Jo's LinkedIn outreach. She got 134 new perfect prospects added to her network. She got 37 new leads into her business. And I know that some of those are coming along to her events and listening into her and engaging in a one to one conversations with her, and it. Came in at cost of just 2. 12 per lead. So that's just 21 percent of the cost of her previous meta ad leads. And I would anticipate that number would go down much further as we iterated and improved the campaign because it's all a learning experience. So in total, actually, it didn't cost her this because the first month of Sales Navigator is free. But in total, if, say, she was paying for that one month of Sales Navigator, this entire lead generation effort cost her just 78. 32 for one month. And with meta ads, the same results, so the previous method she was using. Would have cost her around 370 and even then there'd be no guarantee that those leads were the right fit. But with this strategy, Jo was able to pre vet her prospects without ever reaching out and no more hoping for the before even reaching out. And she didn't have to just hope that the algorithm was going to find the right people for her. She just had a clear, simple system that delivers the right leads as a fraction of the cost. And yes, she, at the time of writing this, she'd switched off her meta ads entirely. Let's talk about the skills that you actually need to run a successful LinkedIn campaign. You do not need to have a big following on Instagram, TikTok, or even LinkedIn where I'm showing these techniques in action. And you definitely don't need to spend hours every day coming up with new content ideas. In fact, I only started posting regularly on social media fairly recently and very reluctantly. And my LinkedIn audience at that point is just shy of 10, 000 people and that growth came entirely from using the exact system that I'm sharing with you today. what do you need to make this work? Let me walk you through it. you need the ability to follow some simple step by step instructions and to set up your campaign correctly. I am a highly directive instructional teacher and you are getting videos of me literally walking through this activity in real time so that you can follow along and do it yourself. Plus we share with you all the templates for, of copy and styling that we use and have optimized over the course of 11 years of doing this activity. So it's not about being a tech whiz. It's about following a clear process. And if you can follow a recipe, you can follow the instructions that we give you in order to implement this in your own business. And once it's set up, the system practically runs itself. Secondly, you need a Winning or learning mentality. Not every not the first campaign will be the first campaign. Won't be perfect. Not every master. We'll get a response for every person you invite, we'll connect and that's okay. The key is to stay curious and adapt it. We're here to help you do that. TreeSeach interaction is valuable feedback that you can use to adapt your marketing and outreach strategy. You're either Winning or learning. There's no such thing as failing in this process. The key to doing all this, to implementing those lists that I've just showed you how to build and what to then do with them is actually pretty simple. But it takes a bit of work to set up everything up up front. But once it's in place, it's mostly just set it and forget it system that uses a super smart dose of automation. So you don't have to send a single connection request. And in response to that, you will have a reliable, consistent way to attract. Leads without constantly tinkering, posting or guessing what to do next. But that little bit I said at the beginning, this is still massively underused in many industries. That little bit of upfront effort is going to be what sets you apart from the 900, 000 plus other coaches out there. Whilst most of those people won't be taking the time to build this clear repeatable system. You'll already have one running smoothly, giving you the edge so you can stand out. in a crowded market. And if you are a creative agency, the small effort, small investment of effort is what will differentiate you from the 12 million other creative agencies worldwide. Literally stats that I pulled from LinkedIn. So while the majority is still relying on outdated methods to find new clients or just waiting for referrals or scrambling for leads, you're going to have a system just ticking away in the background that puts you ahead of the competition. And the result is simple. You're going to have more people following you, more people joining your email list, which means more people booking chemistry calls, which means more people becoming clients if you're good at that process, and more people referring you. therefore, more. consistency, and all without spending tons of time on content, or money on ads, or making any of those awkward cold calls. And here's the best part. This is the kind of response that I'm seeing from my outreach. These are not just generic replies, they're exactly the kinds of prospective clients that I want to be working with. I know that because I literally handpicked them and put them in the list. So there's no fluff, no wasted effort, just genuine high quality leads who are ready and interested in engaging further. The most exciting part of this is all, I didn't even send the original. Connection request myself, my automation did it. So when I'm getting responses like this, these kind of happy emails, it's the first time actually realizing that we're in a conversation, me and this prospective client. And then I just get to jump into a potentially a sales conversation, whether it's going to be sooner or later, they're showing active interest with a person who's already warm and there's already a lot of goodwill there. And we've already moved through that no like interest process to a certain extent. Here are some kind words from some clients. I'm not going to dwell on them too long because you can also find those on our website. I just want to say that I'm really confident that this will work for your business because I've been doing this for doing this role for the last 20 years. And I've spent the last 11 refining this exact skill. This approach allows you to build relationships and trust quietly behind the scenes with establishing that know and trust factor that we know is so crucial to somebody becoming the right kind of client. And we know is essential for growing your business. So that's the class. And with these four simple strategies, I hope you now have a clearer understanding of how you can find the right people on LinkedIn without it taking up all your time. You do not need to hard sell, have awkward conversations, or take on business that you don't really want. By following this approach to build your lists, you can, you've got the key to attracting the right kind of clients naturally. So you can grow your business on your own terms. now we have, and I see a few questions about this. I just want to get into it now. We found your people, we built your list. So we found your people, right? Honestly, that is one of the biggest things to do. How are we going to actually put this to you? So it's not just about gathering names. It's about taking that next step to turn those lists into meaningful conversations and hopefully ultimately great clients. So I want to share with you. Win Clients Consistently. I'm just going to pop this in the chat because this is a special bonus link. It's not the one that you'll find on our website. So let me introduce you to Win Clients Consistently. This is a proven system that takes the guesswork out of attracting high quality clients. This approach is designed to help you keep your pipeline full, as we've discussed, as we've been moving through and maintain steady growth and create a more reliable stress free path to growing your business. It lays out the entire LinkedIn strategy that you'll need to grow your audience and implement the list that we've talked through today and Consistently find more clients without the exhausting daily hustle. So what this one strategy really means for you. right now finding clients feels unpredictable. Like I say, you're relying on word of mouth, waiting for referrals, hoping that posting on social media will bring in the right people, but let's be honest, it's not a strategy. It's a hope and a hope is not a plan. And Win Clients Consistently gives you a simple and repeatable system that does the heavy lifting for you. So instead of second guessing yourself and wondering where the next project is coming from, what you should be doing to go find them, you or, even just feeling like you need to sell all the time, this strategy helps you attract clients without the constant hustle. What it adds to your life is predictability. No more wondering if you're going to land another client in the next month because now you have a system that works like clockwork in the background. You're going to have confidence. You'll stop hesitating and start reaching out with clarity and knowing exactly how to connect and with high value clients in a way that feels natural. And you know what? Even if it doesn't feel natural to you and you're trying to avoid it. It's gonna constantly happen anyhow, because you are using automation to make sure those connection requests go out. You're gonna have a steady stream of ideal clients, the kind who respect your work, pay you what you are worth, because you've literally chosen people who you know are likely to have the budget to work with you and are ready to move forward without endless convincing. Because the way you approach them, you're gonna have more time to do what you love. So instead of wasting hours on marketing that doesn't work. You're gonna be focusing on either your craft or just whatever the hell else you like to do outside of your business while your client pipeline runs in the background. What it's replacing in your business currently is a random outreach. No more scattered attempts at networking or sending messages that go nowhere. You are replacing the low quality leads that you might be frequently getting in, like that two person agency I mentioned. They were just taking on work, people who were calling them. And just finding them on the internet just because they needed to, not because they necessarily wanted to. the kind of clients, you're going to stop dealing with clients who haggle on price to the extent it's not worth your time. Don't respect your own expertise or drain your energy. You will be saying goodbye to the feast or famine cycle. So instead of feeling overwhelmed one month and panic the next, you can have a steady, reliable income. And you're saying goodbye Sales stress. The idea of selling makes you cringe. Good news. The system is just going to work regardless. And you're just going to be speaking to the people who are actually interested to work with you. So here's exactly what you get inside of Win Clients Consistently. You get Six training modules packed with over 40 concise, easy to follow, highly directional video and text based videos, depending lessons, depending on how you prefer to consume it. You'll get 12 worksheets and templates that walk you through every step of the implementation. You get five resources to help accelerate results, and you'll get six of our recommended tools, so you never have to guess what tech will work best. You get on demand office hours, access to me to get answers to your questions, and even when you complete, Win clients Consistently get a one to one, one hour call with me where we will check through everything, answer any questions that have come up, make sure we're optimizing your system so that you're, you can hit go with confidence knowing that it's working. So after completing Win clients Consistently, you're going to see your net LinkedIn network expand by up to a hundred. Perfectly picked prospects picked by you per week. You're going to see consistent growth in your email list with the right kind of subscribers. You're going to have an outreach system that works on whatever timeframe you want it to. I don't know why I wrote nine till five down there without you ever having to lift a finger. You're going to be spending. Way less than 30 minutes a day, actually responding to interested people. In my case, I've actually handed that off to a VA to do, and you're basically going to be able to take new business off your to do list, if that's something that you feel like you're just forever hanging around and the whole cost of this is less than two pounds, 50 to run per day, there were six stages to Win Clients Consistently, and once you master them. Client acquisition will stop being a struggle and start feeling more effortless. So let's break them down. Stage one is niches and challenges. before you do anything, you need absolute clarity on two things, who you're serving and what they're struggling with. And here's where most people go wrong. They try and market to everyone, which means their message resonates with nobody. instead every quarter, we encourage you to define your, we show you exactly how, define your target audience with laser focus, pinpoint their biggest pain points understand industry shifts and keep track of the common challenges that they face, and then compile a list of 500 to 5, 000 potential clients using some of the methods and many more that we showed you today. These are the people that you're going to be connecting with strategically, not spamming them but by offering something of value that makes them pay attention. Chances are many people who are here today may have had a message from me offering a copy of my book or access to a phone. Training or mini course, depending on how long you've been around. And those messages that I showed on the screen a few charts ago, those are responses from people who have had me approach them on LinkedIn with one of those three resources. They're genuinely happy to hear from me. Stage two is that generous resource. People don't care about your services until they see how you can solve their problems. And this is where the valuable free resource or lead magnet changes everything. You're going to create something so compelling. It's so useful that your ideal client wants to exchange their email to get it. It might be a guide. It might be a checklist, a case study, a mini training. It might be a book. There's loads of different things that could be. We're finding book works really well. And we actually, if you're interested in that, we actually have another program called Authority Builder, where we help you to write your book so you can stand out as the authority in your space and use that as your lead magnet. The really important thing is it directly addresses that key challenge that they're facing right now. And it positions you as an expert that. In their mind before they've even spoken to you on the phone. instead of chasing leads, you're now attracting them because they see you as understanding their challenge. Stage three is connect. Most people think they need more leads. The truth is that you need more conversations with the right people and your job is to engage a hundred. Targeted potential clients weekly, but not with generic outreach. it's not cold calling. It's not desperate sales tactics. It's about starting real conversations with people who already have a problem that you solve. And the key to this is a genuine offer that sets you apart. Your goal isn't to sell. It's to connect with people in a way that feels natural. So when they do help, do need help rather, they, you're the first person that they're thinking about. Stage four is raising hand for resource. At this point, we just want to say automation isn't about replacing relationships, it's about making them. More scalable. And once you have a great resource, you don't want to be manually sending it to every prospect. That's just unfathomable in terms of time. And this is where automation does the heavy lifting. you'll set up a system that automatically delivers your resource to interested prospects, generating consistent inbound inquiries. So now instead of chasing people down, your LinkedIn inbox or email list is filling up with potential clients. You've already engaged with your content. I want to hear more from you. And this is the tipping point. This is when you start seeing people come to you rather than the other way round. Stage five is converse and core. So the fastest way to turn interest into income is. Is by actually speaking to them, no one's going to buy your high cost product, unless they've had a real conversation with you. So this is where things start to get really exciting. instead of hoping leads turn into clients, what we aim for you to do is Consistently move to three plus qualified per week. It's not about pressure. It's about helping them solve a problem. It's about getting them to the next stage of the no and trust process with you. We help you through this process to add, ask a questions, dive into the challenges, show how you can help the. This is a, we added in the these last two sections, because honestly, a lot of small creative agencies have never had any marketing, new business training. In fact, I actually work with six universities to work with their final year graphic design students on some basic new business skills. Cause a lot of people are starting their own business from scratch. And it's something that's massively missing in my opinion, from a lot of creative degrees, given that so many agencies have started, what did we say? 12 million globally. The more at bats you get, frankly, on those phone calls, to have those phone calls, the more clients you close, because we know that sales, to some extent, is the numbers going, and because the people who do come onto calls have already engaged with your resource, these calls feel natural and not salesy. Stage six is follow up. most deals are lost in the follow up and not the pitch. And honestly I'm guilty of this as well. There's always room for improvement. You've had the conversation. Let me know if this feels familiar. You, the person's interested, but then life happens for both of you. Most likely you get busy. They get busy. You forget, they forget, they say, let's circle back next month or something similar. But this is when most people give up. Not you. You are going to create. A tailored proposal and user structure automated to some extent, follow up strategy that keeps you on their radar without being annoying. So that when it is the right time, they do move forward with you. a well timed email, a relevant case study, a check in message. This is how you stay top of mind until they're ready to say yes. What happens when you do this, when you follow these six stages, client acquisition stops being random and starts being predictable. You're not waiting for referrals. You're actively creating opportunities. You're not stuck in those feast or famine cycles. You have a steady pipeline of high quality leads. You're not hustling for attention. Clients, potential clients are raising their hands and asking to work with you, or at least asking to speak with you. And this is how you go from struggling to Winning clients Consistently. Oh, thank you. I said I wasn't going to look at the Q& A, but I just saw. Somebody say insanely good presentation. I really appreciate that. what I want to say to you at this point is that learning this process is one thing, but actually putting it into action can feel like a whole other challenge and for many the hardest part is the very first step, building your audience. And every week I have people asking me, can't you just do this for me? And I understand why. It can feel tedious. It can feel time consuming and overwhelming. And here are some common concerns I hear. It's too hard and tedious to do on my own. I just don't have the time. I don't even know where to start. And it's true when you're faced with a sea of options and no clear roadmap, it can feel like too much. And that's why I created this course to simplify the process and help you overcome those initial hurdles so you can actually see results. And there's another reason we do a. We do a done for you service. Absolutely. Real tongue twister. But number one, it's obviously more expensive because it's more time consuming. Number two, I feel very strongly about teaching a man to fish. I think I, when I was in other people's companies working, as an employee. I know this might be something to do with my need for control, but I felt like when we outsourced things to people externally, it felt like there were so many revisions, we may as well have done it ourselves, and we're never entirely happy with it. We just have this really high level of need for control, which I think is a very common thing. Particularly in design agencies and a lot of other businesses who are in the service sector as well, because we have a standard that we are willing to accept, and it's very hard to communicate that or find a parallel in another business. And that's why I think it's really important that you learn how to do this yourself. And I will show you, I will literally walk you through step every step, but unless you actually manage to do this. You're always going to be dependent on somebody externally. And that means you're going to need to be able to raise the cash. And the time to engage with those people on an ongoing basis rather than manage it yourself. So I just want to explain that is why we offer Wincler's Consistently. It's not because I. Don't want to work with lots of people. I very much would love to work with you one to one and do this for you on an ongoing basis. But number one, it be out of the financial reach of a lot of people. And number two, I honestly think you should know how to do it in your own business before you start outsourcing it to somebody else. Gosh, that felt like a bit like a telling off. But anyhow, on another note, that is why for the first time I'm offering a special bonus that I've previously only made available to private clients that I'm super excited about. So if you sign up for the training, you're going to get an. Exclusive bonus, if you sign up for Win Clients Consistently over the next few days and you'll start getting emails from me to be very clear about when the deadline is. You will also find it on that link that I shared previously in the chat. I'm just going to pop that in again so everyone has access to it. Oh great, I've actually brought a tug on the screen just in case you didn't grab it before. Very exciting. limited time bonus. I will personally build your audience list and craft the exact messages that you need to send. this includes an entire year's worth of list that you will outreach to,, carefully selected ideal prospects for your business. You're also going to get a complete set of messages and the exact blueprint to get everything set up and running. You're going to get. Step by step instructions in Win Clients Consistently. So you always know exactly what to do, no guesswork, no uncertainty. And all of this training, so Win Clients Consistently, plus this bonus of me building your list, building an entire year of people to reach out to, and also the message sequence that you will send to them, all of that is available for just 1, 796. And if you already have a lead magnet, there's really no reason to wait. You could start using LinkedIn to grow your audience as soon as tomorrow. And here's why you shouldn't delay. It's a set it or forget it system. So once you have it up and running, it requires minimal maintenance. You're going to be spending less than 30 minutes a day responding to people who are genuinely excited to hear from you. Or like I do hand in the off to somebody else in the team, and I will give you the standard or protein procedure so you can literally. Hand that to somebody else and they can be doing it for you. And you're going to see a higher, a 20 percent higher conversion rate. Then meta ads, from my experience of working with clients without spending a single penny on advertising. So that isn't the figure I was talking about before. This is literally 20 percent more people will be coming into your email list than if you were running meta ads, not even to mention the spend difference. So with benefits like this, there is no time like the present to start building a consistent, high quality lead generation system. And I really hope that I'm the person to help you do that. So reminder, don't miss this bonus opportunity if this sounds of interest to you. Here's what you're going to get. I will personally build your lead list for a year. I will craft the outreach sequence outreach message sequence for you. And here is how it works. You book you buy Win Clients Consistently over the next few days before the time period ends and you pay. Then you fill out a simple intake form so we can learn more about your offer and your audience. And if needed, we'll have a quick call to clarify. Any details, and then I'll build your list directly in your sales navigator, or if you don't have a sales navigator account already, I can build it in my account. And walk you through either way. I walk you through the exact process. You get a recorded walkthrough of exactly how the list was built. So you can replicate it in your own account, but also the thought process is in there as well. So you can easily update it or adapt it in the future based on exactly how I've built that list. And then the final thing, I will provide the exact outreach messages tailored to these leads and what you offer and what your lead magnet is. So this bonus isn't just about giving you leads, it's about equipping you with a replicable system to grow and sustain your business. So on top of that, you will receive lifetime access to everything and Win clients Consistently, all of our training materials, which have been updated. Monthly. And this means you'll not only learn how to automate and scale your outreach, but you'll also have the tools to do it again and again, no matter how your business evolves. So you can also follow along yourself, or like I mentioned a few times throughout, you can hand it off to assistant or start it yourself and then hand it over to an assistant, which is what I would recommend. And what I do, it's, it makes it simple and more repeatable, allows you to focus on other stuff. I think a really crucial thing about this lifetime access to Win Clients Consistently is when, whether you pivot your offer, move into a new geography or target a new niche, you'll always have this resource at your fingertips to be able to deploy again and again. It's designed to grow with you and provide value at every stage of your business as you need it. I just want to answer some initial questions that I see come up frequently. And then I'm going to run through some of the questions that I see here. So I hear people ask me in the previous times I've done this presentation, I'm not a natural salesperson. Will this work for me? And I would say to that, absolutely. I have 20 years of experience working with design agencies, and I know that you want a sales approach that isn't icky, aggressive, or pushy, and this is why Win Clients Consistently is so effective. It works for you, even if you're not a natural salesperson. How soon can I start? You get immediate access to everything in Win Clients Consistently upon purchase, so if you've literally bought while we've been on this call, and I hope you have, then you've got access to that immediately. I want to just pay someone to do it for me. Do you offer that? Yes, we do. We do offer that. And if you're interested, that service starts from 10, 000. If you're interested, get in touch and we'll find a time to discuss your needs. I'll pop the email address in the final chart of this deck, which is coming up very soon. Does this framework require me to spam people on social media or email? Nope, it does not. This is a client centric approach. If you do this properly, it's client centric, that blends automation with understanding of your audience. You actually build credibility and reputation with your prospects and make sales an easy and natural next step. But only if you're honest with yourself about who You want to work with, and who you work best with, and who wants to work with you, and is it the right stage of business to work with you? And also, if you do the work to understand their challenges and actually speak to them, and that is a big part of stage one in Winning clients Consistently, which I thoroughly encourage you to pay attention to. Normally when we find people are feeling uncomfortable and spammy, it's because they haven't done stage one. They've just skipped past it and thought it wasn't relevant to them. How much time will using this approach require? Not much at all, to be honest. In fact, once you're done with the initial setup, which takes around 14 hours if you don't have a Lean Magnet already, and as little as 45 minutes if you do, you're only going to need to spend a maximum of four hours per week implementing it on an ongoing basis. So this is something I hear a lot. We're a small firm and while we're really busy right now, we'd like to get new leads coming in. When is it the right time to start generating new business? This is a bit like that Chinese proverb about when is the best time to plant a tree so you've got some shade in the garden. So the right time to start generating new business was last year. The next best time is now. The reason I say this is because I think we massively We're massively underestimate and we're massively optimistic about how quickly people want to work with us. And particularly in an economic climate, that is more challenging. It does take people a lot longer to go from awareness through to purchase, even if it's something that they have budget for and they have a need for in their business at that time, because people are just more, more reserved than ever before about their spend. So I strongly recommend starting sooner rather than later. Don't wait for your pipeline to dry up before you start drumming up new business. I recommend starting today. So you won't have to stare at an empty pipeline six months from now. Will Win clerks Consistently work for a large creative business? Yes, we've successfully worked with agencies that have used this approach from a team of 250 people through to micro agencies of one to three people. It's a versatile, fluff free approach that's going to work for any firm. And if you're someone who's responsible for new business and marketing for your company, and you're tired of what you're currently doing, want an efficient, fresh, and proactive approach for you're marketing a new business plans. Then Win clients Consistently will help you too. We have several clients who are really well established businesses. They don't have any problems in terms of finding clients. But they just know they want to stay one head at one step ahead of the curve and they need to that's the wrong expression. I'm really bad at mixing idioms up. They want to stay one step ahead of the competition and be doing things that are new and different before everybody else does, and that's why they are willing to absorb information from people who have got a more holistic view of the industry, so they can be deploying these techniques alongside the stuff that already works for them. Will you have access to Charlotte for feedback and accountability? Yes, I am on hand. You simply send in your questions and I respond to them with a personalized video. And if you need additional one to one support, we can chat about that too. The, um, we actually moved to this format where you submit a form with your question and I respond to a video with a video because we started working with clients on lots of different time zones. And it was difficult to find a time that worked for everybody for us to have a live call. It just, and also then people didn't want to wait a week, two weeks to come to that call. They just wanted to get unblocked immediately, which is exactly why we moved to that format. It was designed so we can be more responsive to your questions. I'm going to need a glass of water soon. It will never be a better time to join Win clients Consistently. I just want to say that to you. Now, if it's something that's been on your radar for a while, you've been thinking about it. This is an amazing time to join. Use the link that's provided to join. You can see that in the webinar chat if you haven't already. You're going to get lifetime access for one payment of 1, 796 pounds. We do have payment plans as well. So you can pay in for equal. Monthly payments as well, if that's more suited to your business and you're going to get your lists and messages built for you by us, which I'm really excited to see your business. So enroll now and we'll build your list and messages for you in Win Clients Consistently. Join us again, 1, 796, and you'll see the link in the webinar chat, which is in my top right corner, which is why I'm pointing there. So now I'm going to come to your questions and I am just going to leave this on screen for anybody who needs to leave sooner. So I'm seeing people, I'm just going to scroll through. Add anything else now, if you have any more thoughts that you want my feedback on. So I've got one question here. Ba. Oh no, that wasn't a question. It was a statement. Okay. Is LinkedIn just B2B great for wholesale? Is LinkedIn just B2B great for wholesale or could it be used to find customers from my online boutique? That's a really good question. I have some context about the business that you're in. This is It would work really well for wholesale. I can definitely say it would work really well for wholesale. I've worked with other people in that sector with this technique individual consumers for your boutique in the specific industry you're in. I'm not entirely sure it would, frankly, I think it would be really hard to define them on LinkedIn because what you're selling is something that is very intimate and personal and not necessarily. something that would be easy to find a a criteria around that we could use in a filter on LinkedIn. So being really frank with you, I'm not sure that it would be helpful for that, but it would definitely be helpful for the wholesale stuff. Answer that question Devin, what did she post in the groups to get clients? She didn't post in the groups. She used the groups to build a list, which then she reached out to. So it was a way of defining who is going to be the right fit for her offer. Hi Charlotte, we're a small creative agency and I'd like to get into more trade bodies and membership organizations in that specific sector. I can't find a filtering sales navigator for that. Ooh, I can't see why that wouldn't work. I'm really excited to have a look into that for you. Can you let me know, Paul can you let me know in the Q and A, and I will go away and have a look at that afterwards, exactly which It'd be a bit more specific around trade bodies and membership organizations, and then I will just go have a little look and send you a follow up loom to let you know if I've got any concerns about that. But I cannot see that being a problem. I think that's actually ideal. If you know what trade bodies people are involved in it, then there's likely a workaround. If they don't have a group, there'll be another way of defining it down. So let me have a look at that just to save you the guesswork. Is there any reason you recommend doing all of this from your personal profile rather than your business profile? I'd like to keep potential leads separate to my real LinkedIn connections from my career and also involved in a couple of startups. So I want to keep the leads in separate groups within LinkedIn connections. Okay, good question. This sounds a bit similar to a client that I'm working with right now who is an employee with a side hustle, and there's a conflict of interest in terms of that outreach. What I would say is, if anybody's got this concern, I really recommend them downloading all of their LinkedIn connections. If you just Google, how do I get a CSV of all my LinkedIn connections, you'll find the instructions on how to do that. Something I recommend doing right at the beginning of working with us either way. If you do that, then you have a record of exactly who you were connected with before. That is like the fail safe that you can then depend on. But in terms Of potentially separate to real LinkedIn connections. Really all the communication is happening around people that are in a lists, which are very clearly defined by the filters you put around them. So say for example, you worked in a marketing agency, but now you, need to find a good analogy for this, but now you work with. A drinks company in a marketing role. And those are very different kind of audiences. And you don't want to be saying the same thing to everything, everyone. This is the reason, this is like why I'm such a reluctant poster on LinkedIn, because I've got such a diverse audience of people. Oh, that's not true. No, it's not a diverse audience. They're all actually really similar in terms of their wants and needs. I think it's about my hesitance to say the same thing to everybody, which is why I prefer the one to one conversations. So what I love about this is. As I said, four and a half of the last five years of, since I started Kaffeen, I haven't posted anything on LinkedIn. Maybe a couple of things a year until like last summer. I was just having one to one conversations. Even when they were automated, it meant that they were very much siloed based on industry, based on role, based on what service or product they would engage with based on whether they were an advocate for me or whether they were a potential client, based on whether they were a HR person who might recommend me to somebody in their business as a training tool. So I'd say you can silo everything. I wouldn't be concerned about growing your connection list. However, if you do want a distinct bunch of people, so if you want to a distinct record of the bunch of people who were in your connections before you started doing this, then downloading that as a CSV would be a good way to do it. You, in answer to your question, you cannot do this convincingly from a. Or in any way that I found simple from a business profile, nor would you want to, because I think a lot of the response rate depends on the fact that it's a personal connection. I think you would expect a way lower success rate if you were doing it from a business, if, even if that was possible. So that is the reason I would recommend it that way. Yes, there will be a recording available that I'll be coming out to you. And should Sales Navigator be set up on the business page or for company individuals? It needs to be individuals. So answer to the previous question. It needs to be an individual account. However, if there's more than one of you in the business, and I mentioned be the business before, I think there were eight people at a certain point running this system all at the same time. They LinkedIn and an account manager who would be very willing to. I'm very willing to have a conversation with you because it's sales. But they actually got an incredible deal and I don't think it's that they negotiated super hard. I think it is just what LinkedIn offers. I'm not as familiar with it. Cause I work with small businesses who tend to just have one or maximum two people doing this, but they needed eight licenses and they've got a really good deal on it. And there was benefit to doing it that way as well. So it was eight individual licenses, but they were connected as a team. I don't know what the name behind it was. If you spoke to a sales rep, they'd be able to help. And the benefit to that was the information about each account was shared as a group. So there was never any risk of conflict of interest and approaching the same person. Automation software do we use? I don't talk about that in here because it's proprietary information and it's part of Win Clients Consistently, but I'd love to see in there. What kind of freebie, oh, not a silly question at all. So this person said, great stuff. Thank you. Very educational. This might be a silly question, but what kind of freebie do you suggest for a graphic design studio that is focused on editorial branding and installations for cultural institutions? That is really a question that there is not. Not that there isn't an answer to it, it's just not a simple answer. It's, that is what it feels like going through Win clients Consistently you are going through that process with the questions and the prompts that we ask you to consider. You need to go through stage one, which is a big part of that is listening to your clients, listening to your prospects. Honestly, I cannot. Just how important it is to do client listening. If you do that, it's the key to so many different things, not just this process I'm talking to you about. It's the key to almost anything marketing wise within your business. Really recommend it. And we give you the exact blueprint for how we do that in that first stage of Win Clients Consistently. If you ask me that question, after you've gone through that stage, I could give you a very clear answer. And I think you probably would have had the answer yourself by that stage. But good question. Lovely, some lovely comments. Oh, Christian, you, yes, you do have access. And yes, the website has changed recently and our domain has changed, but your original login details, login link should work. I'm going to get right back to you after this. Training finishes in just a few minutes and I'm going to send you that. We are in an interim website before our new website launches, hopefully at the beginning of May. So things like the student portal login aren't there. And so I know clients who do tend to go to the website to log in rather than go to the link that they have bookmarked or that was in the original login credentials, haven't been able to access it as easily. Apologies for that. We'll get back to you. Great press, Charlotte. Thank you. How long is the current price valid for? I believe, I need to check with my assistant, but I believe they have set a deadline of, I think it's the midnight on the 4th of March, or it might possibly be the 5th, but either way, it will be very clearly stated on the emails that you'll be receiving after this training. Just to be clear, that is the normal price of Win Clients Consistently. But it doesn't normally include me being involved in your business. That is what is different about this. That the cost of that effectively, it's about four hours of my time. And my time is currently at the 450 pound per hour mark or 1200 pounds per day mark, depending on how we work together. So it's a significant saving on what you would be spending for the same service if we were to work together one to one. Can I buy? Navigate to for a trial period to see if there's enough leads. Absolutely. You don't even need to buy it. You get one month free. You do have to submit your credit card details, but it's one of those things. If you put a reminder in your diary excuse me, you can cancel it at the end of that period of time. And what I would say is, if you're like that one client of mine there were others as well, but the one client that I mentioned during this presentation that I quoted who won their second biggest client within. Two weeks of setting this going, at that point, even if you just spent the money on Win Clients Consistently, you would definitely be getting a return on investment depending on what the price of your service was. But I think a lot of the people who are here today are offering a service that is more than the 2000 pound mark. Yeah, it really comes down to being able to get your ducks in a row and do things quickly. If you are going to take that approach, I'd really recommend going through the whole of Win Clients Consistently, and then getting your free trial with Sales Navigator, because if you start it. If you start the free trial when you are, before you're ready to hit go with the automation, then you're going to be wasting some of that one month time period. But even still, you can buy it for, I think it's 79 a month. Or 80 pounds a month. I can't remember exactly what it is on a monthly basis. Cause I get it annually. You could even just try it out for a quarter and see if it's working with you for you. One thing I would say is that. I see the best results come from this, depending on your industry, depending on your price point, you start to see. The point at which I will happily review someone's account and start making amends is between six weeks and three months after you set it going. So I would really encourage you to commit a quarter at least to getting it going. And during that period of time, I would very much have thought that you would have gained at least one client from that process. Struggling with what I can offer for free interior design is such a long process of discovery to get to the point where you can offer something meaningful. Yeah, I can actually speak to this. Any thoughts you've said, because I've actually worked with an interior designer. And what we did was we did, she did a a training that was live and paid. She actually already did this training in person. I gone along to myself in person and I said, you really need to she's a friend as well. You really need to do this on your computer, do it in a Zoom room. Luckily it was around, I think it was around the time of COVID still. So I think she had to actually do it. On zoom at one point. So she adapted it ever so slightly. So it worked on zoom. And we recorded it and then we tidied it up slightly in descript or that's what I would do now. Anyhow, it I don't think it was around at the time. And then she used it as a lead magnet. I think that she then transitioned it into a low cost offer as a kind of intro to working with her, but it was an introduction to, so it was a kind of like. It was like a whetting the appetite for the interior design client. So for example, I went along to her workshop with a room in mind that I wanted to do something to, but I had no idea what I wanted to do to it. I just knew that I didn't find it relaxing sitting in that room in this house. And I wanted to reclaim it because frankly my husband was in there the whole time and I wanted it back to myself or at least I wanted to enjoy being in there. So I went to this workshop with that intention and then the guy, the process she guided us through led us to the point where I had this mood board and I had a stronger idea of what I wanted. And then I was really excited to work with somebody to do it. And what do you know, I actually paid to work with her. So that was the kind of upsell, so to speak. So yeah, I'm not saying still that idea entirely. It's. That's it. You need something that's bespoke and ownable to you. But again, I would refer you back to stage one, where you speak to your existing clients, potential clients, and really understand the challenges that they face. All the answers are there. And you know what's crazy is if you listen to them and then do it and serve it back to them, they're like, Oh my goodness, you're psychic. It's like you're inside my head. I'm like, no, I just listened when you told me and I did something about it. So I'd really encourage you to do that. I can't overstate it. What's my take on cold calling and how would I implement it into the course if at all? So I'm one of those weird people who loves cold calling. I I think cold calling. In the sense where I started my career, I was in a, my first job after graduating was in a company called Rainmaker, part of the Intelligent New Business Group, which you may be familiar with if you're an agency. And they are the most prolific lead generation. Like cold calling agency for agencies. So we were working with Saatchi and Mindshare and Fitch at the time. And, all these other businesses that were like big players in their space. And I was like this. 21 year old picking up the phone to these CMOs at these big organizations and, getting past the PA and then introducing the business. And I loved it, but it's definitely not for everybody. And I think I'm just a bit weird like that. And a bit of a like obsessive about marketing and also having conversations that are just very chatty and I've been speaking for an hour and 45 minutes now. So I would say that there is a place for cold calling. I haven't done cold calling in a business since COVID. And I don't know what that would look like now, because I don't know how many people are sat at the desk, have actual landline numbers, of the people who have returned to the office a lot of those are in hot desking situations where they may not have a dedicated line private phone numbers, and being able to access those around GDPR and the availability of them online, I just Don't, I don't know enough of the numbers around this to really recommend. I would say there are other cold approaches that do work. Cold email works really well for some companies, works terribly for others. Cold direct mail again, works really well for some companies that I've worked with in the past. Overall what I'm recommending, also pooing them. We do them. A lot of people will have joined my audience through them. I, and I do the other things that I mentioned as well, actually. We do a lot of different ways of approaching people. We don't just do LinkedIn. But LinkedIn is the, what I've just showed you through and what we cover in Win Clients Consistently is the one that I find is The low, the easiest point of entry, the lowest cost point of entry, the easiest to explain and for people to implement and then scale it from there. So that is my feeling about the relationship between it. If you don't do any kind of outbound lead generation at the moment, and you're really focusing in on marketing stuff, then this is an, this is the place to start. And if you don't already have this in place, it's a strung to your bow. And I would encourage you to put it into action. How does the email software tie in? Did I miss that? Is it dependent on LinkedIn showing an email address? Is that available? No, it's not. It's yeah. And it's a good point because that's the process that we go through. And I should probably do another training on how that works. But that's the process we go through in Win Clients Consistently. So we. You are in building a list, inviting somebody to connect with you with the invite to connect. You're sending a message saying, Hey, I've got this thing. Your competitors liked it or something. Words that affect much more beautiful copy than that. And we give you the template for it. You are offering them a thing and then they will normally would just accept or they might reply and say, yes, please. And accept if they. reply, then they get knocked out of the automation sequence and you reply to those people manually. That is what the half an hour a day reserved to deal with those messages is. But if not, they will receive an automatic message that says, Hey, great connect here's the link to go download that resource. With the point at which they do that, they're opting into your list, your email list. That's where the email software comes in. Our goal is to get people away from somebody else's social media platform, which is rented space and get them into your own space, which is your own email list. I wouldn't recommend. Just focusing all your time and energy on that one space and keeping those people there. We want them in on email because our hit rate of getting through to them and staying front of mind with them is far higher over email than it is on LinkedIn. That being said, there's a lot of people, when you put this process into action, who will join your will join your connections, join your network, but not join your email list. To give you an idea, um, I don't have the ratios up on my screen right now, but I showed you the ratios from Dr. Jo's and to give you an idea, we clean our email list very frequently, but I have 10, 000 connections on LinkedIn and we have around 3, 500 people on our email list right now. So that is the, that's the difference. We do clean that list out very often, but there's a, what I'm saying is a lot of people on LinkedIn. who will be your connections, who won't take the next step and come across to your own space, your email list, and then you'd be able to nurture them from there. And in Wind Clients, Consistently, we're introducing more ways that you can nurture that conversation in LinkedIn beyond that initial outreach without being annoying. There's some really great techniques that we found working for us recently particularly around. LinkedIn newsletters, which if you already have a, I hate the word newsletter by the way, but that's what LinkedIn calls it. It's had many names in the past, but if you already send out an email, it's really just a case of posting that on a different platform. And that allows you with a call to action to get somebody, gives you another opportunity to get them across into your your email list. So I hope that answers that question. Genevieve asks if I understand correctly, sales navigator subscription is an additional cost. On top of the training that we're offering here in Winklet's Consistently. Yes, it is. Yes. It's something sales navigator is a product that you buy from LinkedIn to implement this in a at scale and automated fashion. At scale fashion automation separate. Do you work with service providers who serve a non English audience? Yes, absolutely. I don't need to speak the language for them to implement it. I worked with a semantics agency in India a couple of years ago, and I don't speak Hindi. But I was able to coach them through and set up that process with them. So yes, absolutely. I would say. Also further to that, we've got clients and Win clients Consistently from, I don't know how many countries is that now, but lots of different countries. So if you can speak English, you can absorb the training. You can then apply it in your geography. And if you want to work with me privately, then the email address is on screen, just get in contact. Okay. How long should I expect to respond to one to my messages on LinkedIn? Yes, that's part of that half an hour that I recommend to set aside each day. Actually ends up being a lot less, and like I said, I've outsourced that to my VA. If there are any Questions that come up that she's not familiar with the answer to, she will then just send it to me on Slack. If I email whatever service you use within your business to communicate with each other, and then I will just give her a response and then she'll go and send that response to the person and it not long is what I'm saying. The goal is that the messages we send answer questions that might come up for them anyhow. Generally when people send separate messages. And then setting aside time to go deal with them. It's normally things like, Oh yes, please. That sounds amazing. Thank you. And then it drops them out of the automation sequence. So you need to manually send the thing to that person or somebody saying, actually, that's not going to do the trick right now. We need to speak to somebody in your field. Can we have a call? I good stuff. I'd say simple to respond to not anything really complicated. More often than not, people aren't aren't reaching back out to you. So I'd say half an hour, absolute max per day. So he says, thank you. It was really helpful. I like to book a call with you. Appreciate your out of service for a while. Sully, I am just going to look a bit of a shit show for a while, but I am able to communicate with people. So if you have any questions just drop me an email in the meantime, or book a call in for when I'm back. I'd be very happy to speak with you. If you're keen to move forward with a more one to one service. Okay. Paul has sent across the information and you've logged off, but I will go look into that. Thank you. Some thank yous. And David, not quite ready to start immediately. A lot of prep work to do, but it shouldn't matter, I assume. Can we pay now to take advantage of the offer of your input and make a start in an actual month? Yes, absolutely. There is no, I haven't, maybe I should, haven't set a time cap around how long you've got to use my one to one input. I'm not gonna hold you to that unless it's, beyond the year, but you don't feel like you need to send that across straight away. Maybe I should make that clear when I talked about the how it works thing. If you Want to take advantage of this offer right now, buy it, and then submit your request for a list build and message build when the time is right for you. Okay. I've got to the end of all the questions and frankly, I think my voice but thank you so much to everybody who's still on the call. I have really loved speaking with you today and I'm very much looking forward to seeing so many more of you in Win Clients Consistently.